
Entries for the 'Boston' Category

The DMC Portal: Connecting Chicago and Boston

For my FedEx Day project, I worked from DMC Boston on the DMC Portal (a name-in-progress). The DMC Portal is a system of two stations – one in DMC Chicago, the other in DMC Boston – with a computer, television, and webcam apiece. These...

Attend DMC Boston's Grand Opening Party

DMC started doing business in our Boston office back in July of 2013, but now that the last nail is in place and coat of paint is dry we're ready for a party! You're cordially invited to join us for DMC Boston's Grand Opening party on Thu...

Having moved to Boston from the Midwest, I've been really excited to explore New England. One of the things I've enjoyed the most has been the rich history of the Massachusettes Bay area. From Walden Pond and John Adams' Peacefield home t...

DMC Boston's Holiday Party at the Liberty Hotel

Following the time honored tradition of holding our annual Holiday Party weeks (if not months) after the Holidays, we finally held our first ever DMC Boston Holiday Party last weekend. With a smaller group, we decided to do something a little more in...

'Three is Company!' Boston SkyZone Welcome Party

After a few months as members of the DMC Boston team, we finally gave Adam, Bill and Frank  a proper DMC welcome. We found a time when everyone was in town to head over to SkyZone, an indoor trampoline park, for some team-building fun....

Frank & Bill's Chicago River Welcome Party

After a few weeks on the job for the new Boston hires, DMC threw Bill Sowerine and me a welcome party consisting of dinner and drinks on the Chicago River. We took two electric boats on the river, which anyone could drive! It turns out that DMC has a...

DMC Boston Kayaks the Charles River

The DMC Boston team held their first All Day Company Meeting on October 1st. Frank Riordan kicked off the meeting with a focus on customer service. He quizzed veteran employees on company philosophies and refreshed the new employees on our core value...

Meet the DMC Boston Team

DMC is excited to have opened a Boston office to better serve our partners and customers in Massachusetts, the Northeast, and throughout the world. Allow us to proudly introduce you to our Boston staff:     D...

Boston Clambake

After a few months in Massachusetts, DMC Boston decided it was time to try a true New England tradition: the clambake. In addition to many of us having never heard of a clambake, we had two great reasons to celebrate. First, we were really happy...

DMC Boston Office Tour

DMC Boston is open and growing fast. For the first few weeks, it was a rather small contingent of dedicated engineers braving the gloomy clouds of sheetrock dust and suddenly jarring pings of demolition hammers. However, with the end of demolition ca...

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