
Office 365 - Office Web Apps and Exchange Online Demonstration

I'm Rick Rietz, Director of Consulting Services at DMC. This portion of our video series is going to focus on live demonstrations of the Office 365 platform. First, we're going to cover the Office desktop applications, the Office web apps, as well as Exchange Online. In addition, we'll have a second segment that focuses on SharePoint Online, and a third segment that focuses on CRM Online.

Hi. I'm David Ufford from DMC. I'm now going to demonstrate some of the features of the Office 365 portal. Through this portal, you can now access features online that would have      traditionally only have been done with a desktop client. For example, Word documents and PowerPoints can now be edited using the new Office web apps. This is great for when you’re away from your computer and on the go.

We get to the portal by logging in through the Office 365 website. For the purposes of this demo, I'm going to login as Katie J. When we first log in, we come to the Outlook web app; you've probably seen this before. All your email and contacts are available in an easy-to-use web interface. Microsoft has recently updated that UI with the new look and feel. For example, we now have an inline reply feature.

On the Calendar tab, we have full access to all of your meeting and events. You can even schedule meetings and check availability of your coworkers from here. The People tab is just a listing of all your contacts; this is great when you're on the go and need to quickly look up someone's email address or phone number. The News Feed is one of the new social features of Office 365; these integrate highly with SharePoint. SkyDrive (a.k.a. OneDrive) is an online service that lets you store, share, and manage all your documents in the Cloud. If you've never used this or a similar service before, you can think of it as My Documents that is shared between all of your devices.

The Sync feature allows you to download a local copy of all of your files to your computer. Any changes you make here will be automatically synced back to the Cloud and to all your other devices. From the SkyDrive, I'll also show you the Office web apps. This allows you to view your documents on any computer, even those that don't have Word installed.

If you want to make a quick change on-the-fly, you can edit directly in the Word app. For more heavy-duty edits, you can open in Word and it will load up the full client of Word, PowerPoint, whatever you're working on. Any changes you make here are automatically synced back to Office 365.

This bring us to a great new feature called Office on Demand. Say you're at a client's site giving a presentation on a computer that doesn't have the latest version of PowerPoint. Using Office on Demand, you can now stream a copy of the latest Word, PowerPoint, or Excel directly to that computer, no license keys required.

David Ufford, Senior Consultant, DMC, Inc. 2222 N. Elston Ave., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60614 (312) 255-8757