What is DMC?

What is DMC?

DMC is a consulting firm providing high-caliber engineering and custom software development services for manufacturing, testing, and product development organizations throughout the world.

What does "DMC" stand for?

When originally founded in 1996, "DMC" was an abbreviation for "Dynamic Motion Control". While motion control is still a part of our business, today DMC does much more than that, so we prefer DMC.

What does DMC do?

We are a technical solutions company that focuses on providing software and engineering services to our clients. We have several areas of specialization including:
  • Manufacturing Automation: We make production systems more efficient, flexible, and reliable.
  • Manufacturing Intelligence: We provide the information needed for more effective business decisions.
  • Test and Measurement: We deliver automated test solutions that drive insight and quality in both R&D and production environments.
  • Embedded Development and Embedded Programming: We develop intelligent hardware systems from circuit design and custom PC boards to complex embedded systems.
  • Application Development: We develop PC, web and mobile applications for a wide variety of industries and challenges.
  • Digital Workplace Solutions: We help organizations use technology to improve productivity, communication and collaboration in their digital workplace.

How long has DMC been around?

DMC has been building mission-critical systems for top organizations since 1996.

What does / doesn't DMC do?

Does DMC only work with specific software and/or hardware platforms?

No. DMC is not tied to any particular hardware or software platforms. This ensures we have the freedom to work with your existing software and/or hardware systems, or to make the best recommendations for a new solution.

Who are DMC's Typical Customers?

What kinds of customers do you work for?

We work with organizations of all sizes, across many different industries, including manufacturers and their suppliers, government research and development laboratories, product development companies, and warehousing and distribution centers. We don't have a typical size of customer - we work with companies ranging from start ups in the product development phase to multinational Fortune 500 companies and everything in between.

What Does A Typical DMC Project Look Like?

What are typical project sizes? How long does a project take?

There really isn't a typical size for the projects we work on. Projects can range from a few days to many months of development.

Will you work with my internal developers?

Absolutely. We prefer to form a partnership with your internal staff, identifying the critical issues facing your business, and implementing solutions quickly, without interrupting workflow. Your in-house engineers are experts in your systems and processes. Our engineers are experts in the latest technology and can provide an experience-based, best practices approach to your project. Working together, we can create the optimal solution for your organization. Throughout the course of your project we will work with your internal team to ensure they know what we are doing and understand how the solution works. We can also train your internal engineering staff on the technologies used and details of the system delivered.

Does DMC provide "fixed bid" or "time and expenses" billing arrangements?

DMC provides both "fixed bid" and "time and expenses" billing arrangements.

What kind of support do you offer?

At DMC, we help companies successfully complete challenging projects by using a "phased" project plan, which ensures prompt and efficient progress while providing time to evaluate lessons learned (and shift course if needed).

I Want To Get Started with DMC. Now What?

Is DMC available on an emergency basis?

We pride ourselves in being highly responsive to our customers' needs. Since every emergency is different, contact us and there is a good chance we will be able to help you or point you in the right direction.

Can you support other people's code?

Yes. Our expert engineers have extensive experience in modifying, adapting, and breathing new life into your existing software applications. For that matter, we will provide you with all the source code for any changes we make to your system, so that later you can make changes yourself, or even choose another vendor. After all, we want you to work with us because you want to, not because you have to.

Where Do You Provide Services?

Where are you located?

We have offices in Chicago, Illinois; Austin, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Cincinnati, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; Detroit, Michigan; Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; New York, New York; Raleigh, North Carolina; San Diego, California; Seattle, Washington; St. Louis, Missouri, and Washington, D.C.