
Employee Spotlight: Boris Cherkasskiy

My name is Boris. I was born in Russia in a relatively small city. I moved to our U.S. over 10 years ago, and I pretty much joined DMC right away. I'm doing a bit of everything, so I'm doing your information, I'm doing your .NET programming, embedded programming, pretty much everything that DMC does. 

It's never the same project over again. Yeah, I've got a few old, smaller projects I've been working on for a while. One of them is the teletype. It's a mechanical machine to transfer text messages, like a cell phone, but a mechanical one. 

I'm really excited to move to Denver. It's going to be a very interesting, different experience from what we have in Chicago. In Chicago, it's an established office and Denver's going to be everything new; new customers, new technologies.

Yeah, back in the day I used to work as a DJ back in college. It was also pretty interesting, a lot of drunk people. It was back in the days, in the mid-'90s. It was the Euro dance, techno, that kind of thing. 

When I was a kid, I won an etch-a-sketch thing. I can't do anything with that. And so, Edward has the same etch-a-sketch. Pretty much the same concept and of course, he can play with it but he can’t do anything. So how about we C and C. So we add this motor: now I can finally draw something on that.