Digital Workplace Solutions

Color Coding Lists in SharePoint 2013

Hi, this is Anjali Bharadwa with DMC, and today I'm going to show you how to make a color coded list in SharePoint 2013. Today, we're actually going to be 

working on Office 365 as well, and we are using Acme Corporation, the Do-It-Yourself Tornado Kit, as our example. So if our requirement is to go ahead and 

take this quote list and make a color coded field to determine the status of the list, or of each item in the list, this is how we're going do it.

First, we're going to go ahead and make the Status Indicator field. We're going to create a very basic requirement here of just making it a drop down 

option. So in the Quote List, I'm going to go into the List > List Settings, and I am going to start by adding a new column. We'll call it "Status 


This is going to be a choice field. Like I said, we're going to keep it really basic for now, and we're going to have Green, Yellow, and Red. So somebody 

can set what the Status Indicator is of each of their items in the list. We go ahead and hit OK. 

Now we need to create another field that's actually going to display that color coded dot. So this one we'll go ahead and just call this "Status," and 

this is going to be a calculated field. So I'm going to go ahead and put the exact formula into the blog. But for right now, I'm just going to copy it and 

paste it right in here. We're going to hit OK.

Okay, so now we have our two new columns added into the Quote List. So I'm going to go to the place where I have that Quote List on my homepage, and I 

want to add that Color Indicator to this screen. 

So first I'm going to edit my page, and in my Quote List, I'm going to edit the web part. We'll edit the current hue. OK here. 

Now I'm going to add the Status field to my web part view here. So one of the big differences between SharePoint 2013 and 2010 -- this is going to be the 

difference between whether it works or it doesn't works -- is going into the Style option and selecting Basic Table instead of Default. SharePoint 2013 

you need to switch it to Basic Table. SharePoint 2010 you do not. We'll go ahead and hit OK. And now you can see that we've added the Status field to the 

landing page. 

Our next step is that we need to change the view for the status to actually be that Color Indicator, and to do this we need to add a Content Editor to the 

bottom of the Quote List, and it does need to be exactly under the Quote List web part. 

So I do have the text. Again, I'm going to have that in the blog available for you. And it's easiest to just go ahead and add it to a Notepad. So I'm 

going to go ahead and open up Notepad on my computer here. I'm going to copy the script right here, and I'm going to save it right to my desktop. So we'll 

call it ColorCoding.txt, and it looks like I've already got one there, and I'll replace it. Okay. So now I've that text.

I'm going to go ahead and add that to a place within SharePoint 2013. So I'm going in to Site Contents, and I will just add it to the Site Assets here. So 

we're going to upload. We're going to browse for it. We're doing the Color Coding.txt. Hit OK. 

So now I'm just going to go ahead and grab the shortcut for this. So I'm going to copy the shortcut by right clicking and selecting Copy Shortcut. 

So now we need to add that Content Editor under the Quote List web part. So I click on Page, click on Edit. I'm going to add my Content Editor. So we're 

going to go Insert > Web Part. And then under Media and Content, we are going to select the Content Editor. So go ahead and click on Add.

Now it's added the Content Editor to the page. So let's go ahead and edit that Content Editor web part. Click on Edit Web Part. 

Now we're going to link the Content Editor to that file we just created called the ColorCoding.txt. So we'll go ahead and open this button over here so we 

can paste in the URL for the ColorCoding.txt. Go ahead and hit OK. 

We can test the link just to make sure it's bringing it to the right place, and that does look correct there. We'll hit OK. 

So now the Content Editor has been added to the page. Now don't forget that the Content Editor does need to be directly beneath the web part that you are 

trying to display. So I'm going to go ahead and click Save, and now you can see I have the Status Indictor added to my screen.

You might want to go ahead and hide the Content Editor. I can show you how to do that as well. So if you click on . . . then you're going to go into your 

web part and click on Edit Web Part. 

Now, because we have Publishing turned on, we're going to hide it by just removing the title and making it a space and then taking the Chrome Type and 

changing it to None. We're going to hit OK. 

And finally we're going to save the page, and now you can see we have a color coded. So if you want to change the color of the status for an item, you 

would go in and edit that item and then change the status here to green, for example, and you would instantly see that reflected on your screen. 

So I do have another blog, a video blog on how to make this a conditional color coded list. So you can check that out for SharePoint 2010, and be sure to 

check out on my other blogs as well on