Case Studies

PetaLinux SoM Configuration

Xilinx Zynq 72010
Posted in Embedded Development & Programming


DMC led the client's engineering team in the configuration and build of an embedded Linux solution for their custom board. The board was controlled by a Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC, allowing us to use the Xilinx PetaLinux platform to build the operating system, utilities, bootloader, device tree, and FPGA bitstream.


The client came to DMC focused on future-proofing their product. Their existing toolchain for the system was an aging version supplied by a vendor, and the client wanted to ensure that their system could be built from scratch in-house. They intended to migrate the development of the platform to Xilinx PetaLinux, in order to make use of the latest toolchain.

In order to maintain confidentiality and release as little of their intellectual property as possible, DMC received their custom board and access to a virtual machine, nothing more. DMC was able to set up the updated toolchain, customize a device tree and Linux kernel to support the system’s many peripheral devices, configure a basic FPGA bitstream, and build the Linux kernel and root filesystem. This could all be done using the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite and PetaLinux SDK. These tools provide everything needed to build, debug, and simulate embedded Linux solutions. Developing these basic components are the essential first steps toward bootstrapping a custom embedded Linux solution.

Xilinx Zynq 7000
Image credit: Xilinx

DMC became an extension of the client's team to help expedite their production process. We offered not only our expertise but also provided training and documentation for the client's engineers. This resulted in a smooth transfer of knowledge and insured the client ownership of the solution.

Learn more about DMC's Embedded Linux development services.

Customer Benefits

  • Collaborative, transparent engineering process with a focus on client ownership
  • Tools and technologies aimed at allowing the client to maintain the solution internally
  • Improved performance and debugging ability by targeting the latest Xilinx tools
  • Increased team bandwidth, allowing DMC to take on software responsibilities while client continues pushing toward the next product release
  • A flexible engagement model, allowing the client to drive DMC’s direction toward the highest-value priorities first, and shift direction as more information becomes available
  • Access to an entire team of DMC embedded engineers with various specialties and areas of expertise


  • Xilinx PetaLinux for embedded Linux customization and build
  • Xilinx Vivado for FPGA programming
  • Avnet MicroZed 7020 system-on-module (SoM) featuring a Xilinx Zynq 7000 system-on-chip (SoC)