Entries for 'geek challenge'
You are an engineer on site in Lebanon, Kansas. At sunrise on the vernal equinox, you hop in your hovercar and start driving directly toward the rising sun along the ground at a constant 60 mph. You continue driving in this way until the sun sets.
In last month's Geek Challenge, we asked what number contains 22 primes?
This was a unique problem that needed to utilize at least a little bit of computation (to check if something is prime or not). Luckily, prime calculators are a...
I was listening to the radio, and some self-proclaimed geek said that her phone number was "seven prime numbers."
At first, I interpreted this as "seven prime digits," which is probably what she meant.
But then it got me thi...
Congratulations to Grant Anderson of DMC, Michael Deck of Avant, and John Jacobsma! All correctly answered last month’s Geek Challenge with C: 93.424%!
Michael Deck is this challenge’s winner for his extensive solution that not only so...
With March Madness wrapping up and everyone’s brackets broken once again, this month’s Geek Challenge is about what it might take to build the perfect bracket. It's time for all the mathletes out there to show off their skills.
The results are in! February's Geek Challenge winner is Grant Anderson of DMC. Grant's clever breakdown of the problem is shown below.
Grant's Solution
There are five classifications of locations that satisfy this riddle (at least o...
The results are in! Two people correctly answered December's geek challenge.
Ken Brey of DMC and Jesse Batsche of DMC both identified the correct percentage as D: 60-65%. Ken supplied an exact solution for the probability as the...
December’s Geek Challenge is about trying to make pool shots on an infinitely large pool table.
To describe the challenge, let’s look at a 3x5 grid of pool balls with the cue ball positioned in the center. We want to know what th...
Thirteen people correctly answered the Crossing of the Chords Geek Challenge by selecting C: 70 intersections. In their explanations, two very distinct methods were demonstrated to arrive at the general equation for intersections as a function of per...
A number of points (N) are distributed along the circumference of a circle. Every point is connected to every other point by a chord. The points are spaced unevenly such that no more than two chords intersect at a common point inside the circle.