Case Studies

Sales and Social Media SharePoint Dashboard Solution

Posted in Business Intelligence, Digital Workplace Solutions, SharePoint


DMC developed an enterprise SharePoint Dashboard solution composed of web parts that integrate with services in the cloud and line of business systems to track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Home Warranty of America’s (HWA) sales and marketing departments.


Sales Summary Dashboard


Sales by Territory Dashboard


Personal Sales Rep Dashboard


Home Warranty of America (HWA) did not have an automated means of assembling Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data across the enterprise and engaged DMC to create an automated SharePoint dashboard solution for their existing SharePoint portal.   The SharePoint dashboards integrate with Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics, Blue Sky email marketing, and custom Oracle sales and forecasting systems.  This is the first phase of a multi-phase initiative to implement dashboards across the Enterprise.  Future phases will establish SharePoint dashboards for Customer Service, Accounting, Vendor Development, Agent Recruiting, and Data Entry business processes.

The SharePoint dashboard solution for HWA included the following KPI visualization charts and grids:


  • Google Analytics - current visitor traffic vs. the same period last year, comparison of overall visitor traffic to traffic from paid clicks, and monthly visitor traffic goals
  • Facebook - fans added and fans lost
  • Twitter - followers added and lost, tweets about HWA
  • Blue Sky - open rates and click rates by market segments


  • Revenue - by channel and by territory
  • Orders - by channel and by territory
  • New Agents - by channel and by territory
  • Expenses - by territory
  • Manager Dashboards - aggregated sales information by sales team/region
  • Personal Sales Dashboards - individual sales performance

Home Warranty of America, Inc. of Buffalo Grove, IL, was founded in 1996 to provide home warranty coverage for houses, town homes, and condominiums. The Company has experienced remarkable growth to become a leading supplier of home warranties across the United States, and provides its services through real estate agents, insurance professionals, relocation companies, developers, title companies, bankers, and mortgage brokers. The Company also provides its comprehensive home warranties directly to the homeowner and takes the worry out of buying and owning a home.

Learn more about DMC's Microsoft SharePoint dashboard services.

Customer Benefits

  • Better decision making across the enterprise with at-a-glance comprehensive views of sales and marketing KPIs
  • Personal sales performance dashboards that drive individual sales team members to achieve higher sales through clear red, yellow, and green indicators of their real-time sales activity
  • Marketing dashboards measure the effectiveness of different social media strategies through a holistic view of activity across their website, email campaigns, as well as Twitter and Facebook relationships
  • Time saving data collection and reporting features via automated data integration utilities
  • Early indicators of strategic advantages
  • Advanced warning of potential downturns in performance
  • Fully configurable graphic view of KPIs that management can easily modify to adjust goals and visualization of the data


  • Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Oracle 11g
  • Facebook Web Services
  • Twitter Web Services
  • Google Analytics Web Services
  • Blue Sky Web Services