Case Studies

LabVIEW UI Customization with Grid Viewer

DMC Flex Framework Grid Viewer
Posted in LabVIEW, Test & Measurement Automation


The DMC Grid Viewer is a stand-alone part of the Flex Framework which allows users to create a dynamic user interface using a drag-and-drop method. The LabVIEW UI customization offered by the DMC Grid Viewer is a key facet for building a flexible application using the Flex Framework.

Flex Framework Grid Viewer


The Grid Viewer is a flexible solution to some of the common problems associated with static test interfaces.

The Grid Viewer was created to allow end users the ability to create dynamic views. Rarely does a single, static interface fit every testing scenario. The Grid Viewer is a powerful tool to allow the end user to create an interface on-the-fly! DMC’s Grid Viewer allows the user to select from a list of available views and drag the interfaces into a desired location. For example, you can arrange manual control HMIs for different devices as you see fit.

Flex Framework single drag

The user can select where within the Grid Viewer’s grid the interface should be placed. Multiple interfaces may be placed in a single instance of the viewer.

Flex Framework multiple drag

To further enable dynamic testing interfaces, the Grid Viewer allows each interface to be popped-out, enabling the user to have as many interfaces open as desired! Once the user closes the pop-out window the interface returns to its original position within the Grid Viewer.

Flex Framework pop out window

In the event that the user drags an interface on to a grid space already occupied, the old interface is removed and the new interface is placed in the desired position.

Flex Framework overlap

With all these pieces together, creating a suitable testing interface with the right instruments and data is easy!

 Flex Framework test setup

These features are part of a powerful suite of tools called the DMC Flex Framework. Find out more about all of these tools here.

Learn more about DMC's LabVIEW expertise.

Customer Benefits

  • Dynamic Test Interface Configuration: View the data needed for a test, without any code changes
  • Flexibility: View interfaces in the Grid Viewer or popped-out as floating windows
  • Extensibility: Anything can be viewed an interface once it registers itself with the Grid Viewer’s API, allowing for the list of interfaces available to be changed at runtime