Dan Freve

Dan Freve

Dan Freve

Chief Operating Officer

Dan is a Project Director with extensive experience in DMC's Manufacturing Automation, Test & Measurement, Embedded Development, and Application Development offerings. After working in DMC's Chicago office and leading the Boston office, Dan now works at DMC Seattle. Dan is a licensed Professional Engineer.

Dan serves on DMC's internal Hiring and Promotion committees as well as the Senior Leadership Team. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Masters of Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He worked with Seagate Technology before arriving at DMC.. As an athlete, Dan specializes in swimming (Varsity All Conference 3 years) and cycling. As a musician, he specializes in piano and guitar. Dan’s favorite programming language is C#.NET; his favorite color is RGB 23 6B 8E; and his favorite sports team is the Boston Red Sox.

Joined DMC: 2007
Service Area: All of them
DMC Office: Seattle
Favorite DMC Project: A Pool cleaning robot
Favorite DMC Event: YOEs!
Favorite DMC Moment: The Grand Opening party for our Boston office
Best or Weirdest Place You've Traveled for Work: The best was yachting in Newport, RI. The weirdest was a sausage processing factory (I have literally seen "how the sausage is made").

Read Dan's Employee Spotlight Interview.

Read blogs by Dan.
