Jesse Batsche

Jesse Batsche

Jesse Batsche

Vice President

Jesse holds both a B.S. and Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.9 GPA. Prior to DMC, he performed research and development on a laser-based robotic vision control system and worked with GE Aircraft Engines. Jesse is a Certified LabVIEW Architect, is experienced in automated test system design, and has expertise in advanced battery technology. Jesse plays volleyball and racquetball regularly, and his name can usually be found at the top of DMC's ping pong ladder. He enjoys cooking, skiing, travelling, music, camping/hiking, Frisbee, sand/palm trees, and running.

Joined DMC: 2009
DMC Office: Chicago
Service Area: Test & Measurement
Favorite DMC Project: US Air Force Dyno, NASA Battery Simulator
Favorite DMC Event: Beach Volleyball, Restaurant Week, Shamrock Shuffles

Read Jesse's Employee Spotlight interview.

Read blogs by Jesse.

Notre Dame