DMC recently integrated a Fluke 726 handheld multifunction calibrator into a turnkey automated test system. The test system incorporated a large switching matrix connected to multiple test instrumentation hardware components to pe...
DMC is honored to have been awarded the opportunity to build NASA’s test system for the Space Launch System’s (SLS) Booster Obsolescence Life Extension (BOLE) program. SLS is NASA’s next-generation spacecraft enabling humanity&rsquo...
DMC is proud to announce that two of our engineers are recognized as Certified TestStand Architects by NI. Congratulations to Cecilia Brookshier and Steven Dusing for displaying expertise in architecting test system...
DMC is proud to announce that two of our engineers are recognized as Certified TestStand Developers by NI. Congratulations to Cecilia Brookshier and Steven Dusing for displaying a complete understanding of NI TestStand core features and function...
DMC is proud to lead a session as part of the inaugural National Instruments Automotive Exchange 2020 virtual event on November 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 pm. CT. Project Engineer Cecilia Brookshier and Project Director Jesse B...
Electric vehicles are a rapidly growing part of the automotive scene. They promise low or no emissions and low cost of fuel from the power grid, yet they continue to deliver us safely from here to there. However, electric vehicle design and manufactu...
Join DMC engineers Rose Appel and Jesse Batsche at the NI Automotive Test Forum near Detroit, MI on September 26, 2019, between 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. Event Description According to National Instruments, "the NI ...
Conclusion Although shutting down your PC is a very quick debugging step to address your PXI modules’ connection issues, many PXI users may not be aware of the PXI module to PC connection process, and thus will not know to try this troublesh...
DMC exhibited at NIDays Chicago last week for the third consecutive year. The one-day, multi-track conference explores the latest technologies for measurement, embedded, and test systems. We gathered at Navy Pier on a beautiful fall day,...
TestStand provides an extensible framework to integrate and execute equipment/hardware divers and algorithms from a variety of common programming languages. That definition is fairly complex and is loaded with vague terms, but understanding TestStand...