
Entries for the 'Digital Workplace Solutions' Category

What’s the Difference Between Standard Cloud Support and Signature Cloud Support?

Standard Cloud Support is pretty intuitive: you receive the standard support from Microsoft for issues you encounter with Office 365. What is Signature Cloud Support though, and why should you care about it? Signature Cloud Support offers more tim...

RESTful Logins

If you are constructing a web application, you will probably have to create a login page that generates a user session. If you are not aware, RESTful (representational state transfer) URLs are considered best practice for internet applications. As a ...

Automated Contract Generation using Document Metadata In SharePoint 2013

One problem we run across on a fairly regular basis is the process of creating a single document which differs only slightly. Often times, this is a contract for a business that has standardized services. They want to generate a contract with the con...

Building Content Expiration Reminders in SharePoint 2013

When you have time-sensitive tasks or documents that require renewal or can expire, SharePoint can be the perfect tool to help you and your company remember to address these upcoming concerns. Using SharePoint Designer workflows, we can set automated...

Color Coding Lists in SharePoint 2013, 2016, or Office 365

My last video blog on color coding in 2010 was a huge success and now that everyone is moving to Office 365, I often get questions about how do we make this work in SharePoint 2013, or later. (If you are wondering why you should upgrade to newer...

Avoid Buyer’s Remorse by Choosing Office 365

If you had to describe Office 365 in one word, what would it be? Awesome? Confusing? For me the answer would be: Simple. Simple to use, simple to administer, and simple to purchase.  We live in a fast paced society, which unfortunately has ca...

SharePoint REST API Tips

We’ve talked about SharePoint’s REST API before, but today I want to share a couple of tips for testing and playing with the REST API. The REST API is one of several ways to automate SharePoint tasks, and it is especially useful in wor...

How to Prepare for Life After Windows Server 2003 R2

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, I frequently attend partner events, both online and in-person. One thing I can guarantee prior to attending, is that at some point Windows Server 2003 going End of Life will be discussed. While it is old news to me and ma...

Highlighting Required Nintex Fields Dynamically

Nintex offers a great platform with which to customize SharePoint forms. Although the capabilities of Nintex are great, not everything can be done out of the box. I needed to highlight Nintex Forms 2013 controls that were required but had not yet bee...

Office 365 Business and Technical Benefits

Microsoft continues to deliver enhancements and improvements to its Office 365 cloud offerings. With a brand new suite of Office 365 plans going live on October 1, 2014, I thought it might be helpful to share an updated list of business and technical...

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