
Entries for the 'Chicago' Category

DMC Goes Glam at the Last Speakeasy

DMCers in Chicago recently celebrated the 84th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition in style at the Chicago History Museum's annual Last Speakeasy. In what has become a DMC tradition, we donned our flapper dresses and fedoras and bundled...

Employee Spotlight: Jimmy Brady

Account Manager Jimmy Brady is based in the DMC Chicago office as a member of the Digital Workplace Solutions team. In addition to being DMC's Microsoft licensing guru, Jimmy enjoys biking Chicago's Lakefront Trail. Learn ...

DMC Lives it Up at Day of the Dead Masquerade Ball

On November 4, 2017, employees of DMC and their guests attended the annual Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) masquerade ball the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago's Pilsen Neighborhood. This year's theme was "Love Never Die...

Meet DMC at Detroit National Instruments IIoT Event on 11/16

DMC will participate in National Instruments' upcoming event on Implementing the Industrial IoT as a featured partner. The event takes place on Thursday, Noveber 16, 2017 at the Marriott Detroit Livonia from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Event Info T...

Employee Spotlight: Steven Dusing

Systems Engineer Steven Dusing is based in the DMC Chicago office as a member of the Test and Measurement Automation team. In addition to working on UI design in LabVIEW, Steven enjoys playing volleyball and skiing. He's an active co...

Oktoberfest Fun Returns To DMC Chicago

DMC recently rang in fall with an Oktoberfest party at our Chicago office. Oktoberfest parties are somewhat of a tradition at DMC Chicago. DMC Boston took over a few years ago, and last year DMC Denver hosted with lots of brats and mountain view...

The Revenge of Danny Bones

Company meetings are ideal for bringing everyone together to celebrate accomplishments, learn new things, and discuss goals. A favorite part of the DMC monthly company meetings are the premiers of office update videos that each DMC office creates. ...

Cooking with Chicago Kids at Healthy Start

DMC Cares is an initiative that started at one of our All Day Company Meetings, or ADCMs. For this ADCM, we split into teams and given an envelope, contents unknown. I’ll never forget opening it to find $500 and instructions to make an ...

DMC Chicago's Ferris Bueller-Style Day Off

One of DMC's favorite traditions involves taking a "day off" from our regular tasks. DMC Chicago recently held another ADCM, or All Day Company Meeting. This event allows us to spend time team building, having fun, and sharing knowledge...

Welcoming New Employees with a Chicago Boat Tour

DMC has many traditions, and one is that every new employee gets their own welcome party. With eight people in my new hire group, we decided to combine some of our parties into a mega welcome party. John, Kirsten, and I thought the best way to see...

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