
Entries for the 'Chicago' Category

DMSki 2016: Our Biggest Ski Trip Yet

Since 2011, we have made it a tradition to take an annual ski trip out west to Colorado. This year, since the trip was so popular, we have decided to introduce the ski trip as our first Yearly Office Event (YOE). The YOE grew out of DMSki, which attr...

DMC Presented at Siemens Oil and Gas Conference

DMC presented at the Siemens Oil & Gas Conference this spring. The conference took place in Houston, bringing together over 700 Siemens customers, executives, technology leaders, and industry experts to explore innovative technologies and new cha...

DMC Chicago Virtual Office Tour

In January of 2016, Google released an Android app called Cardboard Camera, which can turn a single smartphone camera into an impressive 3D panoramic image-making machine. Using this tutorial, we learned how to convert those images into a 360 view...

DMC Hosts Chicagoland Siemens User Group (ChUG)

DMC proudly hosted the inaugural Chicagoland Siemens User Group (ChUG) meeting at our office on April 7, 2016. The event was the first in an ongoing initiative to grow the local Siemens User Community. The first ChUG meeting drew a fantastic ...

Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary With DMC Chicago

DMC is turning 20 this year, proving that time really does fly when you're having fun. We'll be celebrating throughout the year, and wanted to cordially invite you to help mark this milestone with a party at our Chicago office! Join us on Jun...

DMC Named Among Top 10 Places to Work in Chicago

DMC Has Been Named One Of Crain's Best Places To Work 2016 Ahead Of Its 20th Anniversary. DMC was named as one of Chicago’s Top 10 “Best Places to Work” by Crain's Chicago Business for the third consec...

Attend DMC's Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT Event

DMC is hosting a Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT event that includes a hands-on BI workshop and IoT demonstration on Tuesday, May 10th (8:30 a.m. –12:00 p.m. CDT) at DMC Chicago (2222 N. Elston Ave., Ste. 200). Participants w...

Pure DMC Commercial

Every month, one DMC office shares an update video with the rest of the company at our monthly meeting. These videos are combination of news, events, and fun. This month was the Chicago office's turn. Inspired by our neighbors in Michigan...

OneDMC: Where Bigger Meets Better

In 2015, DMC opened new offices in Houston, Texas, and New York City, expanding our team from three to five locations. Also in 2015, we paid two random people to write and perform rap songs about us. These seemingly unrelated events have an important...

Chicago's Wild Holiday Party at the Zoo

DMC's holiday parties have taken us everywhere from the 94th floor of the John Hancock Center to a former prison. This year, the Chicago office decided to go wild at the Lincoln Park Zoo.  After an onsite smell-test, we selected the zoo&#...

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