
Entries for the 'Web Application Development' Category

Azure AD Authentication with BlazorWASM using OAuth2

This blog will walk through how to use Azure Active Directory as an authorized provider for a BlazorWASM application. No server-side code is required. Overview We’ll be implementing the authentication using OAuth 2.0 implicit flow for the...

6 Tips for Working with Legacy Code That You Did Not Write

There may come a time as a programmer that you have to support a crucial existing system and while the task is daunting, there are still many actions you can take to make that process a lot easier. When you have to work with a deep expansive legacy s...

Sorting Multiple Columns in a Table with React

Tables are a fast way to show a lot of valuable data. There are many guides on sorting tables by a column in React, but sorting multiple columns is something that can take some effort. At the end of this guide, you should have a sortable table where ...

A Simple Guide to Material UI Grids

If you’ve ever had to work with UI frameworks, you know that they can save lots of time on a project. I recently set up a layout for a complicated system using Material UI Grids for the first time. Since I didn't find any sim...

How To Setup a WinCC OA Application to Push Data to MindSphere

MindSphere and WinCC OA are two powerful tools offered by Siemens that can allow for streamlined aggregation, processing, and visualization of massive volumes of data. Now thanks to some in-built functions within WinCC OA, you can, with a bit of setu...

Multi User Video Chat With WebRTC

At DMC, we like to keep in touch with colleagues across all of our offices. So, for a while now, we’ve had a video “portal” set up in the kitchen area of each office. We were initially using an off the shelf video conferencing servi...

Duplicating Related Entities using Entity Framework Core

This blog will show how to use Entity Framework Core to copy multiple related entities stored in a SQL database while maintaining their keyed relationships. While EF Core doesn’t offer a `Copy` method, there are simple ways to duplicate an e...

5 Great Ways to Get Started with React Components

React has quickly become one of DMC’s favorite tools for web frontend development due to its component-based structure and growing adoption. However, between the JSX syntax, component lifecycle, and state management, learning to use React ef...

DMC Attends Inaugural TwinCAT HMI Training

Earlier this year, DMC attended a training course on the new TwinCAT HMI at Beckhoff’s U.S. headquarters in Savage, MN. We were impressed by the flexibility and convenience offered by the platform and have already enjoyed using it on projects. ...

5 Great Uses of the Spread Operator in a React App

React has quickly become one of DMC’s favorite tools for web front-end development due to its component-based structure and growing adoption. However, between the JSX syntax, component lifecycle, and state management, learning to use React effe...

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