
Entries for the 'Embedded Development & Programming' Category

DMC Attends TI's Technology Day

Like many other students, I considered my TI-89 graphing calculator to be a lifeline during high school calculus and beyond. That device (which I still have and use today) was my first formal introduction to Texas Instruments, and since then I&r...

Revealing the Hidden Awesomeness of the TI LaunchPad

TI (Texas Instruments) is awesome - I've always known it. What I like the most is their extremely low-cost ($4.30, who beats that?) Launchpad development kit that includes 2 "value line" (pronounced "super-cheap") mi...

NI Week 2012 Wrap Up - Customizing Windows Embedded

The days have certainly flown by, and, I’m sad to say, NI Week 2012 has run its course. The last day was shorter and leaner than the others, so, unfortunately, none of the sessions really stood out to me. I did learn a little more abo...

March Programming Madness - The Bracket

With the final few plays of the super bowl still fresh in mind, we enter March on the verge of another of the greatest events in sports, the March Madness of Programming Languages. This epic, world-renowned event (not to be confused with the sim...

Exploring Altium: Document Management

"Documentation" The word alone sends shivers down the spine of even the most grizzled engineer and fuels nightmares for the rest of us. Maybe it’s not quite that bad, but keeping accurate and effective documentation is a critical ...

Exploring Altium: Pin Swapping

Since joining the DMC team, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to a wide variety of awesome projects and learn several new technologies. During a recent embedded design project, I was tasked with converting our circuit schematic to a printe...

Automatic Remote Updates and the GHI Electronics EMX

Our first experience with the .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) was on GHI Electronic's Embedded Master platform, using the .NET Micro Framework 3.0.  We recently had an opportunity to use the GHI's next generation replacement for the Embedde...

Video Demonstration of BMS Test Stand Basic Capabilities

Recently DMC put together another BMS Validation Test Stand, with 100+ Battery Cell Simulation Channels, 50 Temperature Sensor Simulation Channels, and a variety of other IO channels for testing the BMS inside a PHEV battery pack. Before we shippe...

Fast Embedded Prototyping: GHI Electronic's FEZ Cobra

In an ideal world, a design project has well defined phases with appropriate time alloted for each milestone.  In the real world, clients often bring a project that is already behind schedule, needing results yesterday. Board design can be a cum...

Selecting an Embedded Board Designer

It is quite typical for companies to outsource their embedded design and other electronic and board design needs to other firms. Sometimes companies have innovative ideas they want to bring to market but not the internal electronics expertise, someti...

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