Boston’s Succulent Adventure
DMC’s Boston Office wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty to welcome their new administrative assistant, Kim Kim (me!), to the team. Boston DMC’ers showed off their multi-tasking skills as we chowed down on Indian food and planted our Zen gardens.

Did we get some dirt in our dinners? Meh, extra seasoning.

As the evening commenced, dirt was potted, succulents planted, and green thumbs flexed. To no one’s surprise, our engineers proved as skilled at gardening-in-miniature as they are with expert solutions. The results were fantastic terrariums complete with decorative dragons and ducks.

However, we quickly realized that this was only the beginning of our succulent saga. The true challenge has been the continuous task of keeping our Zen gardens alive. We were told that ice cubes would do the trick, but our results proved otherwise. After a few tragic casualties, I was tasked with a quest to find the perfect succulent spritzer as our dragons and ducks weren’t doing much to help. In the end, the DMC Boston office rallied together by rotating pots into sunny spots around the office and spritzing away once a week.
I am happy to report that, thus far, each of our Zen gardens have at least two succulents alive and well and we hope they will continue to grow and thrive throughout the winter season.
Learn more about the DMC Boston office and DMC's company culture.
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