DMC New York recently gathered DMC employees from around the country for a weekend of fun in the Big Apple. We hosted our first Yearly Office Event (YOE), which is an annual event where each DMC office hosts from visitors from our other branches.
It's a great opportunity to have fun together and hang out with co-workers who live in other cities. As we expand, it's also a great chance to get to know cities that we may not have been to before.
Thursday - Relaxi Taxi
The fun began Thursday evening, with our coordinated Welcome Party ready to embrace our out-of-town guests.

By lunchtime, the New York office was all abuzz! We satiated the starving masses with pizza from one of Brooklyn's finest, Roberta's! What is Roberta's? Pizza, with a non-descript front entrance, rustic exposed-beam ceiling, and twinkly lights.
Essentially, the epitome of Brooklyn. Technically, we got our pizza from the Roberta's Manhattan location, so it was way less hipster, but it has hipster roots!

At the end of the day, we were ready to head out into the city! We made our way to Fat Cat in the West Village where we grabbed some beers and played shuffleboard and ping pong while a live band played in the background.
Friday: Embracing Our Inner Tourist
New Yorkers take their bagels and fish seriously. We started off the day right with bagels nearly the size of your head and a smattering of Nova, Sturgeon, and Scottish Salmon from two famous appetizing stores, Barney Greengrass and Russ and Daughters.
Then the Manhattan tourism began! We made our way up to Central Park, making sure to stop by Levain Bakery for their people-wait-in-line-around-the-block-for-these cookies and the Dakota (former home to John Lennon).
At the park, we treated ourselves to mid-morning mimosas, then headed downtown where we checked out architecture, including the beautiful New York Public Library.

We grabbed lunch at Grand Central, where Jesse and Christian bonded over their unique pizza folding style.

Finally, we ended up at the top of World Trade Center. What. A. View!

We rejuvenated after our over 10-mile walking journey with an amazing dim sum dinner in Chinatown.

And then headed off to the AirBnB, complete with both an outdoor patio AND roof deck, for games.
Saturday - No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn
In keeping with the weekend theme of food, we started our day with ALL THE FOOD at Smorgasburg, an open-air food market in Williamsburg. We sampled such delights as spaghetti donuts, home-made ringdings, and juice from actual fruit cups!

No meal is complete without beer. After we had plumped ourselves up, we headed over to Brooklyn Brewery for a tour, tasting, and games!

With Jon as our guide, we had a brief tour of Brooklyn as he walked us over to our next surprise location: a secret pinball bar behind a laundromat!

Our last stop was the Brooklyn Bridge! By car, subway, bike, or foot - everyone chose their favorite mode of transportation and met up at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge for Grimaldi's pizza and ice cream before walking across this historic landmark and taking in the stunning views.

At the end of another long day, we reconvened at the AirBnB for more games, hang outs, and construction of interesting sleep structures.
Sunday: Recuperation Day
Most people headed home Sunday, but those who remained finished off the weekend with some final views via the tram to Roosevelt Island and some rest and relaxation in the park.

We ended the weekend with full bellies and lots of memories of exploring Manhattan and Brooklyn. Thanks to everyone who joined us in making the first New York YOE a success!
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