
Entries for the 'Culture' Category

NI Week 2012 - Robot Summit

It’s already day 2 of NI Week 2012, and it feels like things are really moving fast. In the same way, I broke out my goals for NI Week, I’ve been trying to focus each of the 4 days more or less on a specific theme. In light of that, I too...

NI Week 2012 - Actor Framework

Well, NI Week turns 18 this year, so you’d figure it would be time to go out and buy a few lottery tickets and some Swisher Sweets (because nothing says grown-up like candy coated cigarettes.) Luckily, though, NI Week 2012 has shown that LabVIE...

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.

NI Week 2012 Quick Update

I know it might be hard to believe given my LabVIEW Architect status and 5+ years’ experience, but I arrived in muggy-but-nice Austin, TX this afternoon for my very first NI Week. No matter what the weather has been like in Chicago this summer,...

DMC's Sweet Sixteen (SURPRISE) Party

Everybody loves a surprise party! As Jessica blogged about just the other day, DMC just celebrated our 16th Anniversary. As we have for several years, this is usually commemorated with a quick blog post looking back on the previous year or reflect...

Programming Madness - Conference Finals

Admittedly, this process has taken me longer than the average gestation period for a hamster, a kangaroo, and an otter all put together, but the recent popular movement for tournaments has given this blog fresh life and also helped confirm my st...

Employee Spotlight: Sam Weber

Sam Weber, Systems Engineer  What’s your favorite programming language? I would say C#, but that sounds clichĂ©. I think SQL is fun because you can instantly see the results of your programming. SQL offers multiple ways to do somethin...

Using an iPhone to Control a Factory

Most Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) are in a static location. Sometimes, this can be inconvenient if you need to check a device (motor, valve, diverter, etc.), but the sight line from the HMI is blocked and you need to be able to watch the device mov...

DMC's Video Series

At DMC we're proud of our extensive project experience and unique culture. In order to better share these stories we've initiated a video series to help you learn more about DMC. Check out our YouTube channel for a full list of DMC vi...

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.

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