After DMC’s second Fed Ex Day, Eric highlighted our 3D Printer. In May, we had an opportunity to show it off at the Tres de Mayo party and I wanted to go into a little more detail about what we’ve learned since the last blog update. ...
Jon Carson, Senior Project Engineer What do you like best about working at DMC? The ever changing challenges. I’ve been at DMC for four years, and between technical problems and project challenges, I still have the opportunity to lea...
Friends from Yaskawa joined DMC on a voyage onto Lake Michigan after another great year of working together. Led by Frank, the lake and weather were perfect for a relaxing evening on the water. Our first stop was the Flatwater where we enjoy...
The days have certainly flown by, and, I’m sad to say, NI Week 2012 has run its course. The last day was shorter and leaner than the others, so, unfortunately, none of the sessions really stood out to me. I did learn a little more abo...
The third day of NI Week 2012 proved the age old adage that the third day of a conference is always the best. If you read my first NI Week post, you probably knew that this was coming, and even though there were only 2 sessions that really appealed t...
It’s already day 2 of NI Week 2012, and it feels like things are really moving fast. In the same way, I broke out my goals for NI Week, I’ve been trying to focus each of the 4 days more or less on a specific theme. In light of that, I too...
Well, NI Week turns 18 this year, so you’d figure it would be time to go out and buy a few lottery tickets and some Swisher Sweets (because nothing says grown-up like candy coated cigarettes.) Luckily, though, NI Week 2012 has shown that LabVIE...
Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.
I know it might be hard to believe given my LabVIEW Architect status and 5+ years’ experience, but I arrived in muggy-but-nice Austin, TX this afternoon for my very first NI Week. No matter what the weather has been like in Chicago this summer,...
Everybody loves a surprise party! As Jessica blogged about just the other day, DMC just celebrated our 16th Anniversary. As we have for several years, this is usually commemorated with a quick blog post looking back on the previous year or reflect...