
Entries for the 'Culture' Category

Second Annual DMC Ski Trip

After a great time on last year's DMC ski trip to Breckenridge, nine DMC employees and friends decided to continue the tradition. Last month, we headed west to hit the slopes in Vail, CO. Enjoy the photos below and live vicariously t...

Those who visit DMC may notice our ever-changing "Quote Board." This is where we document the most infamous utterances of the moment.

Shamrock Shuffle 2012

On March 25, 2012, for the 7th year in a row, DMC competed in the Shamrock Shuffle, an 8K (4.98 miles) race through downtown Chicago. It was a great day for the race and we had more than respectable results. Of special note is race newcomer...

March Programming Madness: Round 1 - Part 2

Although I have admittedly not been keeping pace with the rate of elimination of the other big tournaments this month, I like to think that the delay between updates is building at least some semblance of suspense. Even if most of my coworkers think ...

March Programming Madness - Let the Nerdament Begin

With the first few rounds of the tournament in the books, I figured it was time to dive into the first round of our programming language tournament (or Nerdament as I like to call it.) For a rundown of the competitors, you can check out the opening b...

Resurrecting the Antique Pressure Gauge to Display Internet Bandwidth

Who doesn't like old technologies? For example, a Motorola cell phone as heavy as a brick and built to last centuries (literally)? I do like old stuff, my dear readers. That's why when one day I came across a cool looking (and ...

March Programming Madness - The Snubs

With the first few games of the NCAA tourney coming up fast, I wanted to address some of the hard feelings from the creation of the tournament field. If you missed the selection round, you can review the picks and the seedings here. Note that despite...

Geek Challenge: March Madness

This month’s Geek Challenge was created in conjunction with Kevin Ferrigno. The challenge is to pick the winners of this year’s NCAA tournament, not by choosing teams, but by picking the winning formula. You can use this spreadsheet to pr...

DMC Holiday Party Takes to the Lanes

Every year, DMC celebrates our holiday party sometime after the holidays and this year we took to the lanes at Lucky Strike. It was a great setting to socialize and, of course, enjoy some friendly competition. We even held a special bowling-themed Ge...

Leap Day Competition at DMC

On February 29th, DMC celebrated Leap Day with a little friendly competition.  With some tape on the floor, I set up an event court for a Standing Long Jump competition.  Standing Long Jump was an Olympic event until from 1900-1912, and I r...

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