Entries for '3d measurement'
I recently implemented a project where we were using a SICK Ranger camera to measure a part. This camera works by measuring the position of light from a line generating laser on its 2D field of view and translating that to a height position. This wor...
I have been working on a 3D vision application using the SICK Ranger camera. My application involves precision measurement, so I want to get the best results possible from the equipment.
The Ranger came with a Fujinon 35mm lens which focused shar...
Recent press releases by NASA show how the agency is realizing the advantages of using Structured Light for 3D vision.
A recent NASA Invention of the Year was a hand-held, battery-operated scanner that they use to create surface maps of shuttle ti...
Matrox has added 3D scanning tools to the Matrix Imaging Library (MIL), version 9.0. The concept is similar to that employed in single-purpose devices by Micro-Epsilon and SICK. (see Two 3D Scanner tools.)
The camera images a laser line from an ou...
I saw an amazing new 3d vision tool at the Robot and Vision Show today. It is the IFM Defector PMD 3DD.
This device is a 64X48 pixel distance sensor. It operates by the time of flight principle. A pulse of light infra-red light is emitted by ...
Purpose-built 3D scanning tools are an exciting new development in machine vision. People have been building their own 3D scanners for years with cameras and line lasers.
Now, a couple of integrated and factory-calibrated units are on the market w...