In case you weren’t aware, DMC is expanding to 5 new locations in 2022! Among the list of new DMCities is San Diego, also known as “America’s Finest City.”
With the ocean and mountains dominating the area around San Diego, it only made sense that those of us in “DMC’s Finest Office” should take advantage of these two amazing natural features. That’s just what we did; one beautiful April weekend, we took on both surf and summit.
Saturday - Surf
The California coast boasts some of the most epic surf spots in the world, and we aimed to take advantage of them. With dreams of hanging ten and crushing barrels dancing in our heads, we took to the beach, donned some tight wet suits, and grabbed our boards.

Squad goals - Pictured from left to right: Nikhil (San Diego), Nick (San Diego), Nicoli (San Diego), Eli (Dallas), and Greg (our instructor)
Although we lacked prior surfing experience, Greg from Pacific Surf had us covered. A quick land-based surf lesson featured the basics of paddling, standing up on the board, and walking through shallow water in a manner known as the sting ray shuffle.
Once we were deemed prepared and worthy, we hit the waves. In no time, Greg had us up on our feet and surfing like pros (correction: surfing like beginners).

Hanging ten and high fiving - Pictured from left to right: Nick (San Diego) and Nikhil (San Diego)
Sunday - Summit

In addition to beautiful beaches and stellar surf, Southern California is home to rolling hills and towering mountains that are perfect for hiking. Just a day after our surfing adventure, the DMC crew arose in the wee hours of the morning and set off towards Palm Springs and Coachella Valley with one goal in mind: conquering San Jacinto Mountain.

Upon arriving to San Jacinto State Park, we laced up our hiking boots and boarded the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. The large cable car featured a rotating floor that offered a stunning 360-degree view of the mountains and valley floor below. We eventually reached the Mountain station (8,516’ above sea level) and began our hike.

Through snow and ice, the DMC crew trekked 6 miles and roughly 2,600 ft of elevation gain to reach the San Jacinto summit. Though the hike was tough and the trails a bit sketchy at times, the views were well worth the effort.

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