
July Fun at DMC

July Fun at DMC

To have fun is a core value at DMC. From our Activity Fund (a monthly budget dedicated to fun activities), to the 'welcome parties' thrown for each employee upon joining DMC or Yearly Office Events (YOEs), there's always someithing fun going on at one of our offices. Heres a look at some of the fun activities DMCers got up to in July. 

Run for the Zoo 2022

DMC Chicago whizzed past animal friends during Run for the Zoo 2022!

DMC Chicago at Run for the Zoo 2022

Game Nights

The Seattle office beat the heat by staying inside and having a game night!

Game Night at DMC Seattle

DMC Dallas also got together for an evening of Carcassonne!

DMC Dallas plays Carcassonne

Fun at the VR Arcade

The Dallas office then got their game on at the VR Arcade!

DMC Dallas at VR Arcade

Pride Month at DMC

DMC Chicago Admin mascot Sir Bones shows his Pride!

DMC Chicago Admin mascot Sir Bones with Pride Flag

DMC Denver celebrates Pride Month!

DMC Denver celebrates Pride Month

Golden Hour at DMC San Diego

DMC San Diego tries to capture the perfect sunset photo

DMC San Diego captures a photo of the sunset

Learn more about DMC's corporate culture and explore our open positions!


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