To have fun is a core value at DMC. From our Activity Fund (a monthly budget dedicated to fun activities), to the 'welcome parties' thrown for each employee upon joining DMC, or Yearly Office Events (YOEs), there's always someithing fun going on at one of our offices.
Spooky season is upon us! Beware! Witches, ghosts, and ghouls roam through the night. But that won't keep DMCers from going out and having fun! From more YOEs to spooky tricks, here's what the offices have been up to this month!
San Diego YOE!
New office on the block DMC San Diego held their first ever YOE this month: Surf's Up YOE! Here's a look at all the fun you may have missed out on:

DMCers explored the La Jolla Tide Pools ocean side in search of washed up sea creatures!

Yee haw! The crew learned how to line dance! Next up: dance battle You Got Served style!

Nicoli Liedtke finding some inner peace at Iron Mountain

Wine tasting, food, and good company. Sounds like a good time to me!

Surf's up DMC!


The San D office is open for business!

Branded for life! The YOE even included temporary tattoos - which DMCers creatively placed.

Some DMCers had a scenic hike at Iron Mountain while on the YOE.
More Fall Fun!
Apple Picking
Boston skipped the produce aisle and picked their own apples

Check out those juggling skills!

Jack's Pop Up
The Chicago office looked for The Great Pumpkin at Jack's Pop Up to welcome Andy Femminineo and Derrick Huynh to DMC.

AWC BestFest
Strike a pose! Houston channeled their inner Zoolander at BestFest!

Spooky Decor
The Seattle office was invaded by aliens! RIP the cow.

The Boston office also got into the Halloween spirit by carving pumpkins.

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