It's 2023! Before we said hello to the new year, we had plenty of fun ringing in the holidays and hanging out together across the DMC offices. Let's see what everyone was up to!
Washington DC
DMC Washington DC hit up the DC holiday market for some desk decorating supplies! Meanwhile, Ryan Druffel made a friend :D.

St. Louis
St. Louis went to a hockey game together. Go Blues!

It's a Chrismukkah celebration at Ashley P. Hollingsworth's house!

Lenny thwarted Thomas Panek's plan to show off his Christmas decorations.

Dallas celebrated the holidays together with a mini holiday party!

Dennis seems a little uncertain about Ryan Landwehr's Christmas tree

Denver braved the winter chill to cheer on the Broncos!

Inspired by other offices, Boston went to a Bruins game! Let's go Bruins, let's go!

San Diego
DMC San Diego took in some beautiful sights while doing some rock climbing!

The Nicks of DMC San Diego pose for the poster of their surfing movie!

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