
Encryption Compatibility Between .NET Micro Framework and the Full .NET Framework

Encryption Compatibility Between .NET Micro Framework and the Full .NET Framework

We are big fans of the .NET Micro Framework. For anyone who hasn't heard of it, it's a super light version of the .NET Framework that runs on resource-constrained devices embedded systems (read more of our thoughts on .Net Micro Framework).

It's a great platform, however sometimes we do run into issues. The Micro Framework has lighter versions of some of the core functions built into the standard .NET Framework. The encryption functions built into the standard .NET platform are not directly compatible with the encryption functions built into the Micro Framework. So if you want to encrypt something on a Micro Framework platform and then decrypt it on a standard .NET Framework platform, you will have to implement the Key_TinyEncryptionAlgorithm class in Microsoft.SPOT.Cryptography (which resides in the Micro Framework).

Fortunately this class is available and just needs to be added to your project. This will mimic the Microsoft.SPOT.Cryptography functions and allow you to perform the same encryption/decryption on the standard .NET Windows Platform as you would on the Micro Framework platform.

Update Feb. 3, 2010:

This algorithm is from Jens Kühner's website. Jens Kühner runs a very good blog on the .NET Micro Framework. We actually purchased his book, Expert .NET Micro Framework a while back and found it to be a valuable resource.

using System;

namespace Microsoft.SPOT.Cryptography
    public sealed class Key_TinyEncryptionAlgorithm
        public const int c_SizeOfKey = 16; //bytes
        private const int c_SizeOfBlock = 8; //bytes
        private const uint c_RoundCount = 32; //number of round cycles
        private const uint c_Delta = 0x9e3779b9;

        private readonly uint[] subKeys;

        public Key_TinyEncryptionAlgorithm(byte[] key)
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian); //be sure to have little endian like on MF

            this.subKeys = CreateSubKeys(key);

        private static uint[] CreateSubKeys(byte[] key)
            //if key is less than keySize it is extended to keySize and padded with zeros
            byte[] paddedKey;
            if (key.Length < c_SizeOfKey)
                paddedKey = new byte[c_SizeOfKey];
                Array.Copy(key, paddedKey, Math.Min(c_SizeOfKey, key.Length));
                paddedKey = key;

            //convert byte array to DWord array
            uint[] subKeys = new uint[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < c_SizeOfKey / 4; i++)
                subKeys[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(paddedKey, i * 4);
            return subKeys;

        public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data, int offset, int count, byte[] IV)
            return Modify(true, data, offset, count, IV);

        public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data, int offset, int count, byte[] IV)
            return Modify(false, data, offset, count, IV);

        private byte[] Modify(bool encrypt, byte[] data, int offset, int count, byte[] IV)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
            int length = data.Length;
            if (count < c_SizeOfBlock) //two blocks required
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "At least 8 bytes required!");
            if (offset < 0 || offset + count > length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");

            //convert initialization vector to block
            //if IV is less than blockSize it is extended to blockSize and padded with zeros
            byte[] paddedIV;
            if (IV == null || IV.Length < c_SizeOfBlock)
                paddedIV = new byte[c_SizeOfBlock];
                Array.Copy(IV, paddedIV, Math.Min(c_SizeOfBlock, IV.Length));
                paddedIV = IV;
            UInt64 previousCipherBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(paddedIV, 0);

            byte[] output = new byte[count];
            int fullBlockCount = (int)Math.Floor(count / (double)c_SizeOfBlock);
            int totalBlockCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)c_SizeOfBlock);
            int remainingByteCount = count % c_SizeOfBlock;
            if (remainingByteCount > 0)
                fullBlockCount--; //handle last full block and last block separately
            int blockNo;
            for (blockNo = 0; blockNo < fullBlockCount; blockNo++)
                if (encrypt)
                    UInt64 plainBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock);
                    plainBlock ^= previousCipherBlock; //cipher block chaining
                    UInt64 cipherBlock = EncryptBlock(plainBlock);

                    byte[] cipherBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(cipherBlock);
                    Array.Copy(cipherBlockBytes, 0, output, blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock, c_SizeOfBlock);

                    previousCipherBlock = cipherBlock;
                    UInt64 cipherBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock);
                    UInt64 plainBlock = DecryptBlock(cipherBlock);
                    plainBlock ^= previousCipherBlock; //cipher block chaining

                    byte[] plainBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(plainBlock);
                    Array.Copy(plainBlockBytes, 0, output, blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock, c_SizeOfBlock);

                    previousCipherBlock = cipherBlock;

            //cipher byte stealing
            if (remainingByteCount > 0)
                if (encrypt)
                    //last full block
                    UInt64 lastPlainFullBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock);
                    //cipher block chaining
                    lastPlainFullBlock ^= previousCipherBlock;
                    UInt64 lastCipherFullBlock = EncryptBlock(lastPlainFullBlock);

                    //last part block
                    byte[] paddedBlockBytes = new byte[c_SizeOfBlock];
                    Array.Copy(data, offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock, paddedBlockBytes, 0, remainingByteCount);
                    UInt64 lastPlainPartBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(paddedBlockBytes, 0);
                    //cipher block chaining
                    lastPlainPartBlock ^= lastCipherFullBlock;
                    //steal bytes blockSize - remainingByteCount
                    UInt64 mask = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF << remainingByteCount * 8);
                    lastPlainPartBlock |= lastCipherFullBlock & mask;
                    UInt64 lastCipherPartBlock = EncryptBlock(lastPlainPartBlock);

                    //copy blocks to cipher output
                    //block order is swapped
                    byte[] cipherBlockBytes;
                    //copy extended last part block 
                    cipherBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lastCipherPartBlock);
                    for (int i = 0; i < c_SizeOfBlock; ++i)
                        output[(totalBlockCount - 2) * c_SizeOfBlock + i] = cipherBlockBytes[i];
                    //copy truncated last full block
                    cipherBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lastCipherFullBlock);
                    for (int i = 0; i < remainingByteCount; ++i)
                        output[(totalBlockCount - 1) * c_SizeOfBlock + i] = cipherBlockBytes[i];
                    //last full block
                    UInt64 lastCipherFullBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock);
                    UInt64 lastPlainFullBlock = DecryptBlock(lastCipherFullBlock);

                    //last part block
                    byte[] paddedBlockBytes = new byte[c_SizeOfBlock];
                    for (int i = 0; i < remainingByteCount; i++)
                        paddedBlockBytes[i] = data[offset + blockNo * c_SizeOfBlock + i];
                    UInt64 lastCipherPartBlock = BitConverter.ToUInt64(paddedBlockBytes, 0);
                    //steal bytes blockSize - remainingByteCount
                    UInt64 mask = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF << remainingByteCount * 8);
                    lastCipherPartBlock |= lastPlainFullBlock & mask;
                    UInt64 lastPlainPartBlock = DecryptBlock(lastCipherPartBlock);
                    //cipher block chaining
                    lastPlainPartBlock ^= previousCipherBlock;

                    //cipher block chaining
                    lastPlainFullBlock ^= lastCipherPartBlock;

                    //copy blocks to cipher output
                    //block order is swapped
                    byte[] plainBlockBytes;
                    //copy extended last part block 
                    plainBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lastPlainPartBlock);
                    Array.Copy(plainBlockBytes, 0, output, (totalBlockCount - 2) * c_SizeOfBlock, plainBlockBytes.Length);
                    //copy truncated last full block
                    plainBlockBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lastPlainFullBlock);
                    for (int i = 0; i < remainingByteCount; ++i)
                        output[(totalBlockCount - 1) * c_SizeOfBlock + i] = plainBlockBytes[i];
            return output;

        private UInt64 EncryptBlock(UInt64 block)
            uint y = (uint)block;
            uint z = (uint)(block >> 32);

            uint sum = 0;
            uint n = c_RoundCount;
            while (n-- > 0)
                y += ((z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z) ^ (sum + this.subKeys[sum & 3]);
                sum += c_Delta;
                z += ((y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y) ^ (sum + this.subKeys[sum >> 11 & 3]);

            return (UInt64)y | (UInt64)z << 32;

        private UInt64 DecryptBlock(UInt64 block)
            uint y = (uint)block;
            uint z = (uint)(block >> 32);

            uint sum = unchecked(c_Delta * c_RoundCount);
            uint n = c_RoundCount;
            while (n-- > 0)
                //y += ((z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z) ^ (sum + this.binKey[sum & 3]);
                z -= ((y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y) ^ (sum + this.subKeys[sum >> 11 & 3]);
                sum -= c_Delta;
                //z += ((y << 4 ^ y >> 5) + y) ^ (sum + this.binKey[sum >> 11 & 3]);
                y -= ((z << 4 ^ z >> 5) + z) ^ (sum + this.subKeys[sum & 3]);
            return (UInt64)y | (UInt64)z << 32;

Download the Microsoft.SPOT.Cryptography's Key_TinyEncryptionAlgorithm Class


Hans Pollaerts
Hi. I've tried this, but am still unable to decrypt an encrypted string from .NetMF. It could be the big/little endian is a problem. Is there a way around this. Would be awesome if I can get this to work.

I've posted a thread on SO about this issue:

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