In case you didn't know, we like to have fun here at DMC. That can range from rooftop happy hours to weekend getaways we call YOEs (yearly office events).
Recently, a bunch of DMC employees from different offices were scattered across the West Coast, so we decided to meet up. We did something fun and new for everyone - visit Sonoma, CA!
Travel In Tandem
We met up on Friday, ready for a bright and early Saturday outing. Our first stop was Spoke Folk Cyclery to pick up our transportation for the day.

The tandem bike took a little time to get used to, but after a bit we were pros.

Yes, Nikhil and Nick were wearing matching tank tops for the tandem bike.

Our route was a total of 11.6 miles and included three wineries and a stop for lunch.

Wine Time
After leaving Spoke Folk Cyclery, we got out of downtown Healdsburg and into the roads that weave through all of the wineries.

Our first stop was Wilson Winery. We arrived right when they opened so we got to sit outside on their beautiful patio overlooking the vineyard.

Next, we rode to Mauritson Wines just down the road. We enjoyed lounging around and tasting the wine.

Taste Test
At this winery, we discovered that some people in the group did not know how to tell the difference between red and white wine! We obviously, had to do a blind taste test and see who passed.
Being engineers, we had to make sure that the test was valid, so we put a glass of white wine in the sun so it would be the same temperature as red wine. Out of 15 people, 4 failed the test! Since several people from New York failed the test, I think the New York office needs to drink more wine.

Piglets and Pinot
We then stopped for a quick lunch at the Dry Creek General Store, which has been a wine country staple since 1881. Our last stop was DaVero Farms and Winery. This winery was a farm as well as a vineyard, so they had cute piglets and other livestock. They also had fun games you could play in the vineyard, like cornhole and bocce ball. Fun fact: DMC's Becca Stussman was a second place county champion at bocce ball.
We ended our wine tasting excursion by playing cornhole and drinking wine - a pretty fantastic way to end a day. Cheers!

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