Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Mind Boggling Action at WWE SmackDown Live!
The DMC activity fund is a long-standing tradition DMC created to support employee planned events so that we can all hang out with each other while we aren't working and have some fun. We've done everything from skydiving in Reno to deep sea fishing in Houston.
But, where were we on November 13, 2018? I’m sure you remember where you were. How can you forget? The St. Louis office knows. The St. Louis office will certainly never forget.
Witnessing History
That was the night we were witness to the title match of the century between The Prince of Phenomenal, AJ Styles and YES! Man, Daniel Bryan.
That's right. We saw WWE history when we witnessed the dethroning of The Phenomenal One - The Georgia Pitbull - The Face That Runs the Place - AJ Styles himself.
The night was rife with excitement. Lucha House Party came out swinging with high-flying, mask-wearing, rumble-tumble action. Hometown hero - The Man of Destiny - The Apex Predator - Randy Orten himself blessed the ring with his signature RKO. The main course of this delicious meal was the title match between AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan defeated AJ Styles handily and ended the reign of the WWE SmackDown’s longest-running Champion.
Indeed, November 13, 2018, will go down in the history alongside the infamous dethronings of Harold II (1066), Richard II (1399), and James II (1688). Wow.

DMC St. Louis recently had our official grand opening party and we're excited to grow and expand. There are sure to be lots of activity fund events to come!
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