DMC Seattle officially opened its doors ten months ago, and we’ve been welcoming visitors from our other offices ever since. We know that Seattle is an amazing and unique city, so we invited the entire company to our inaugural YOE!
What's a YOE?
YOE stands for “Yearly Office Event” (and its pronunciation is hotly contested across the company). Every year, each office has the option to invite colleagues from across the company for a couple of days of showing off their stomping grounds.
DMC employees fly across the country to work in a different office and have fun with people they don’t get to see very frequently. It’s a great tool to put a face and a personality to people we work with every day.
The Great Northwest
Seattle has a plethora of fun options within driving distance: ski resorts, mountains for hiking, a major Canadian city, and even a rainforest! We decided to show off the city during the weeknights and head to the Cascade Mountains for a long weekend.
We treated our visitors to a boat tour of the Puget Sound on Monday night. As the locals say, “The Mountain was out!”

We took our guests on Tuesday night to a local favorite spot, Optimism Brewery. We had a few beers and played some games like Pass the Pigs and One-Eyed Jack.
Wednesday we played a DMC staple Killer Queen at Jupiter Bar in Queen Anne. Killer Queen is a 5-on-5 arcade game that can bring out the competitive side of many DMCers. It was League Night, so we got to play with some seasoned vets who showed us the ropes.

Thursday was our last night in Seattle. We went to Golden Gardens, a beach park in Seattle, to watch the sun go down over the Olympic Mountains across the Sound. We had a fire and made S’mores!

Mountain Escape
We stayed in a couple of amazing houses in Cle Elum, WA. We shared the responsibility of cooking meals and cleaning up from them. After dinner, we’d play games like Secret Hitler and Codenames.

Friday, many of us went on a hike to Lake Colchuck. The weather was great even though some of the mountains still had snow on them.

Hiking up the mountain

There were hazy valleys

Snowy Lake Colchuck
Saturday was a bit windy, but that didn’t stop a few brave souls from trying to canoe and kayak. Only a few of them ended up falling in the water!

Adventurous canoers

Everyone was worn out after

Those who didn’t boat hung out near the houses and played lawn games and played with Dan Freve's dog, Scout.

Good boy, Scout

On Sunday, many of the visitors left the mountains to see Seattle one last time before flying back to their respective cities. We had DMCers from six offices - more than any other YOE! Stay tuned for more on other offices’ YOEs in the coming months!

YOE Quote Board

Learn more about DMC's company culture.