
Entries for the 'Digital Workplace Solutions' Category

SharePoint 2016 Forgets Where It’s Installed After Update

Sometimes, when things seem to be going catastrophically wrong, the root cause can be simple. You just have to find it. After a recent batch of updates were applied to a SharePoint 2016 farm, a large number of items quit working on the application...

What’s Included in Microsoft Dynamics 365: Apps and Pricing

On November 1, 2016, Microsoft released their new cloud-based business application platform, Dynamics 365. This new platform combines the capabilities of CRM and ERP systems in a new app-driven format. This updated format allows companies t...

SharePoint Form Validation Using JavaScript + jQuery

SharePoint forms are usually very simple in terms of validation. The only out-of-the-box feature is to make a field required. While this is useful, sometimes businesses want more control over what users should and should not enter into a form. F...

How to Upgrade On-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 to 2016

Looking for help with upgrading your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system? We recently upgraded our Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 system to MSCRM 2016. When preparing for the upgrade and during the process we found a lot of disparate information availabl...

Microsoft CSP - Cloud Solution Provider Licensing

Which Office 365 Licensing Program is best for your organization? Traditionally, Microsoft has allowed small and medium sized organizations to purchase Office 365 licenses through two different programs, Open and Advisor. Organizations who purchas...

DMC's Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT Event

This May, DMC Chicago hosted a Power BI, Azure and Azure IoT event that included a hands-on BI workshop and IoT demonstration.  Despite the rainy weather, we still had a full room of 25 people and the event proved to be very successful! Every...

Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a method of enhancing the security of user accounts by requiring them to provide a second proof of identity in addition to their password. This helps protect against cases when a user’s password is compromis...

Attend DMC's Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT Event

DMC is hosting a Power BI, Azure, and Azure IoT event that includes a hands-on BI workshop and IoT demonstration on Tuesday, May 10th (8:30 a.m. –12:00 p.m. CDT) at DMC Chicago (2222 N. Elston Ave., Ste. 200). Participants w...

DMC Joins Microsoft’s Power BI Red Carpet Program

DMC has joined Microsoft’s Power BI Red Carpet Partner Program. DMC was selected by Microsoft to join the program based on our demonstrated proficiency in developing and implementing Power BI solutions for our customers. This recognition of our...

Connect Azure Resources to Your Network with Azure VPN

Microsoft Azure VPN is a small but critical component of Microsoft’s Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform. Using an Azure VPN Gateway, organizations can connect cloud resources in Azure to their network in the same way that they mi...

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