Last summer, we kicked off a charitable initiative called DMC Cares. Since then, we've been ramping up opportunities for volunteering and philanthropy across our offices. Team members from DMC Chicago recently helped package foods at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD). GCFD is a Chicago food bank that works with over 700 agencies and programs to serve the entirety of Cook County in the fight against hunger.
The Greater Chicago Food Depository distributes about 160,000 meals a day to hungry Chicagoans, and we were happy to lend a hand to help our neighbors.
Lending a Hand in Our Favorite City Ziti
Upon arriving at GCFD, we completed orientation before volunteers were split into two groups. Half of the volunteers were assigned to package apples, while the other half (including all the volunteers from DMC) were packaging macaroni. Sanitation and cleanliness are important at the GCFD, so after following the protocol for handling and packaging food (including putting on beard nets), we were ready to start our work.

Moving Macaroni at the Speed of Light
We realized the scale of the GCFD when we saw that we weren’t just scooping macaroni, we were shoveling it.

The macaroni came in 2-ton boxes that had to be opened and shoveled into smaller boxes. So, armed with macaroni shovels, we got to work.

Every DMCer had a role — whether it was making boxes, bagging pasta, moving boxes, or shoveling macaroni, the work was truly a team effort. After the mountain of macaroni was packaged into smaller boxes, these boxes were distributed to volunteers at stations who had scales, scoops, and a machine that sealed bags.

These volunteers weighed out 3 pounds of macaroni per bag, sealed each bag, and then passed it to the next station. Twelve of these bags were then packaged into one box, which was taped shut, labeled, and moved onto a pallet.
After a Few Hours Orzo of Work…
We helped package and load about nine pallets worth of pasta — almost 10,000 pounds! Combined with the other volunteers packaging apples, we had prepared nearly 20,000 pounds of food to be sent to organizations helping those in need.

I feel like everyone genuinely had a good time. It was fun to spend quality time with my co-workers while helping feed our local Chicagoans. I look forward to planning more charitable events (although this one might be impastable to beat)!
– Heather Talbert
The Risoni-ng Behind DMC Donation Matching
As one of Chicago's Best Places to Work, DMC is always looking for ways to improve. We recently announced a new charitable match program, and the PAWS 5K run that DMC attended earlier this summer was the first time it was put into action!
The DMC matching gift program is part of DMC's continuing efforts to support qualifying nonprofit organizations that benefit the communities in which DMC employees live and work.
Check out other fun events that are going on at DMC.