DMC Hosts Chicagoland LabVIEW User Group Meeting
DMC recently welcomed the Chicagoland LabVIEW Users Group back to our office. We love sharing information and expertise with other technical professionals in the Chicago area, and we've enjoyed hosting the LabVIEW community at our office for several years.
For this meeting, we built on our NIWeek Presentations and heard developers from the Chicago area discuss their projects and findings. Presenters at the event included DMC’s Steven Dusing and Christian Owen, along with Jeff DeBuhr from Chamberlain, Anthony Tamalonis from MDI, and Michael McNeary from McNeary Consulting.
Looking Good, LabVIEW
Steven Dusing led a presentation on UI/UX in LabVIEW, focusing on a control customization and industry trends. Steven also introduced user experience themes and tools that DMC created in LabVIEW, like a sliding animation toolkit and an easy-to-use application layout, to help create a better end-user experience.
Introducing LLAMA
Next Christian Owen discussed logging frameworks and introduced DMC’s LLAMA platform to the group. The LLAMA toolkit (LabVIEW Logs AlMost Anything) is a useful tool to provide a trace of events that happen in LabVIEW. This helps when debugging and troubleshooting applications.

Little LabVIEW Lectures
After the two presentations from DMC, three other industry professionals led a series of “Little LabVIEW Lectures.” Jeff DeBuhr from Chamberlain discussed his first experience with the latest version of LabVIEW NXG, providing lessons learned and showing off new features that he found helpful. Anthony Tamalonis from MDI reviewed NI hardware he had recently used on a project, specifically the USB 8451 & 8452 I2C and SPI interfaces. He concluded that 8452 is a much better investment. Finally, Michael McNeary from McNeary Consulting discussed VI scripting and showed how he was able to automate the creation of VIs from text files in his latest project.
Throughout the day, the group enjoyed pizza and cookies while listening and participating in lively discussion. After the meeting’s completion, attendees networked and conversed on DMC's roof deck, catching a glimpse of Chicago’s skyline through the clouds. Thanks to our friends in the LabVIEW community who made it to the event!

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