
Entries for 'customer service'

DMC Deploys Checklists

Taking a page from Dr. Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto, DMC has released its own set of common task checklists. Gawande, a surgeon, makes a distinction between errors of ignorance and errors of ineptitude, blaming most modern mistakes...

Nanotechnology on the Radio

James M. Hussey, CEO of one of our customers, NanoInk, Inc. was interviewed as part of the panel on WGN Radio's Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg on the topic of Nanotechnology. DMC is proud to play a small part in the developing the amazing t...

DMC Engineer Attains ISA Certified Automation Professional

I am happy to announce that I have recently completed the requirements to officially become an International Society of Automation (ISA) Certified Automation Professional (ISA CAP). Per ISA, Certified Automation Professionals are responsible for t...

Sometimes projects, even very large ones, have straight-forward solution paths with few unknowns. Other times a project is closer to the technological frontier where the solution is not obvious, or may not exist with the current technology. Many of t...

Building Customer Relations... on the Soccer Field

On a recent project in Guangzhou, China, I had an opportunity to join a soccer outing with guys from our client's factory. Ok, so maybe it wasn't a FIFA World Cup caliber match, but we had a great time pitting the engineering department ve...

Working with Legacy Hardware: Tips and Tricks

For a DMC engineer it is not atypical to be faced with outdated, legacy technology. Maybe a customer has come to us to upgrade a system that an intern did in the 90's; maybe a company's engineers have built up a system over the past decade an...

Customer Service Fundamentals Part V - Build Relationships & Rapport

Building relationships & rapport - the final of five entries on DMC's Customer Service Fundamentals. Like all of our customer service fundamentals, this one is quite basic and it almost is self-defining in its importance. Who would argue a...

As a company specialized in selling engineering solutions, DMC spends a great deal of time developing software. We believe that there are great benefits to establishing programming standards, which, if used properly, improves the quality of code and ...

Customer Service Fundamentals Part IV - Managing Expectations

I have previously written about our first three Customer Service Fundamentals - the posts can be found here. Today I'm writing about our fourth customer service fundamental: Understand, Manage, and Where Possible, Exceed Expectations. I ...

Every three of four months (or so - depending on everyone's schedule) DMC has an all-day off site company meeting to review progress, plan ahead and to try to discuss topics that will improve things both for us and for our customers. Last week...

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