Developing via Database Stored Procedures

Database stored procedures (SPs) allow you to save custom SQL queries and invoke them programmatically. This is great for 2 reasons: The execution plan is pre-compiled, so the queries execute faster than ad-hoc SQL commands that cannot map out ...

As a company specialized in selling engineering solutions, DMC spends a great deal of time developing software. We believe that there are great benefits to establishing programming standards, which, if used properly, improves the quality of code and ...

Encryption Compatibility Between .NET Micro Framework and the Full .NET Framework

We are big fans of the .NET Micro Framework. For anyone who hasn't heard of it, it's a super light version of the .NET Framework that runs on resource-constrained devices embedded systems (read more of our thoughts on .Net Micro Framework). ...

Customer Service Fundamentals Part IV - Managing Expectations

I have previously written about our first three Customer Service Fundamentals - the posts can be found here. Today I'm writing about our fourth customer service fundamental: Understand, Manage, and Where Possible, Exceed Expectations. I ...

TDMS Tools

Data managment in Test and Measurement applications is critical to the usability of the final product. It is no use to acquire data if you can't use it. Traditionally, we would write data out into some form of tab delimited text file. This works ...

Using the JavaScript 'window.onbeforeunload' Event

When creating data entry forms in ASP .NET, the JavaScript onbeforeonload event can add a huge improvement to the end user experience. This nifty little event is fired before a page is unloaded (duh) and will keep users from navigating off of a page ...

.NET Commenting Macro

At DMC, one of our core values is to "Share Information". Sharing information is critical while working with other engineers on many projects, including projects that use our Microsoft Visual Studio .NET skill set. One way we communicate...

Reliable alternate for slow or unreliable DNS

My ISP at home, WOW, has started filtering DNS lookups and redirecting unresolvable names to their own search site. I found a lengthy discussion of this issue here. Basically, if you misspell something, a Yahoo search results, and they must be gettin...

Every three of four months (or so - depending on everyone's schedule) DMC has an all-day off site company meeting to review progress, plan ahead and to try to discuss topics that will improve things both for us and for our customers. Last week...

DMC Remodeling

Anyone who has ever visited the DMC office probably has made a trip into the friendly 'DMC Annex'. The 'Annex' (which is not really an annex at all, but rather a sub-office in need of a name due to its friendly welcoming attitude) is ...

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